Category: Salesforce
Salesforce password expires and it needs to be changed in code everytime
Problem: We’re integrating Salesforce to a third-party e-commerce site using our custom cakephp app. In the app we’ve written code which uses Salesforce API to connect to Salesforce using Salesforce account username and password and then makes use of API
Codeigniter | How to remove index.php from URLs
Problem: The default URL for Codeigniter contains index.php in it. How to remove that from URL? For example: How do we change http://localhost/workspace/pagination_demo/index.php/Home/ to http://localhost/workspace/pagination_demo/Home/ Solution: Steps: 1. Go to application- config folder inside your project: 2. Open config.php file: This
Salesforce | Invoking a Visualforce page in a managed package
Remember one thing i.e to use __ (double underscore) after package name. Suppose you have a Visualforce page that uses custom controller. Visualforce page name is Upload_a_File. You have created a button on this page to choose a file and
Error Code: 3. Error writing file ‘/tmp/MYMI5iqH’ (Errcode: 28)
Problem Recently in a website we were developing in Codeigniter PHP Framework, some of the urls stopped working and started throwing 500 internal server error. On investigation we found a MySQL query which was causing the problem .Query is simple
Salesforce prevents calls to unauthorized network address
We have a callout inside a class (using @future) which was throwing following exception: Apex script unhandled exception by user/organization:005A0000001WKkE/00DA0000000KYuL Failed to invoke future method ‘public static void invokeProcess(String, String, String, Decimal, String, String, String, Datetime, String, String)’ on class
Salesforce Apex Data Loader – Date values off by 1 day
How can I ensure my dates are correct when loading with the Data Loader? When loading data into date fields such as Opportunity Close Date using the Data Loader, the date displayed in the application is sometimes one day earlier/later
Heroku | Run Cakephp Code as Cron Job
Problem The requirement was to run CakePHP controller action as cron job on Heroku. In order to achieve this you need to schedule this action so that it runs at specific time intervals on Heroku. To run the code you
Salesforce – Using dataloader on Linux
If you work on Linux and you want to upload data to Salesforce from a Linux machine, you cannot use dataloader as it is Windows based program. Besides you need to install it on your machine and you also need
Heroku – Session expires or gets deleted on every commit
Session expires or gets deleted on every commit in Heroku Follow these steps to fix this problem: 1. Install MemCachier addon in your heroku app 2. Create .user.ini file in your Heroku app and write following code in the file: