Category: Java Frameworks
Why not use JSON.stringify in JavaScript?
Why JSON.stringify Shouldn’t Be Used To Compare Objects In JavaScript? In javascript, equality operator == or === can be used to compare numerics and strings. But when we will compare objects using these operators, then it will not work as
Responsive DevExtreme Grid Toolbar
Introduction – Responsive DevExtreme Grid Toolbar DevExtreme is a powerful web development framework with a vast array of data presenting and formatting capabilities. It is developed by DevExpress to make responsive and platform independent application. DevExtreme makes the web development
Free Online Courses With Personalized Certificate
Free Online Courses With Personalized Certificate I started writing this tutorial targeting MCA students in Himachal Pradesh University, Shimla, India (from where I did MCA back in 99). This is an attempt to help students learn Java by practice. I
Salesforce | Different ways to use datepicker on visualforce page
1. Apex:inputfield: We can simply use apex:inputfield and bind the field with date type field and it will automatically use the Salesforce Calander: <apex:page standardcontroller=Contact> <apex:form> <apex:inputfield value=”{!Contact.Birthdate}”> </apex:form> </apex:page> 2. Apex:inputtext: <apex:page standardcontroller=”testcontroller” id=”vfPage”> <apex:form> <apex:inputText label=”Birth Date” value=”{!birthdateVariable}”
Using AWS Lambda function in Java to communicate with AWS S3
How to Use AWS Lambda function in Java to communicate with AWS S3? Reading, writing and uploading a text file to S3 using AWS Lambda function in Java Following are the steps to write a sample Lambda function in Java
DAO with JPA (and service layer/EJB3-Session Beans) or not
There is a lot of discussion on internet about whether to have DAOs or not with JPA and service layer or with session beans (which is the service layer). My personal opinion is more favored towards DAO layer and some
SCEA 5 – My 2 cents
Recently became SUN certified Enterprise Architect after clearing all 3 parts of SCEA. It is hard to get answers to all questions one may have regarding SCEA but SCEA forum on is great!! I have shared my experience here
Read Word document using Apache POI (Java)
Read Word document using Apache POI (Java) : To read any document (.doc or .docx) or excel document in java, there are several libraries but Apache POI is pretty good. Using this library we can read word documents line by
AJAX Response Race Condition
AJAX Response Race Condition I am working on a j2ee project in which a lot of UI screens are AJAX based. Recently we started facing problems on some screens, which were not updating correctly. On one of the screens we