Category: eLearning
CSV file upload in Moodle/Totara
Step 1: Firstly, create a form using forms API. Create a class that will extend the “moodleform” class defined in “../lib/formslib.php”. Then override the definition() function of this class to include your form elements. Step 2: To browse the CSV
Lightning Record Edit Form (LWC)
In Salesforce, LWC allows us to use lightning-record-edit-form which implements Lightning Data Service and doesn’t require any additional Apex controllers to create or update record data. It also takes care of field-level security and sharing for us, so that users
Salesforce CRM Features
Growing your business isn’t simple. It needs boosting sales however it’s not simply selling the services or products to prospective and prevailing customers. A business is a scientific and economical method of collecting leads so they will be born-again to
How to change the image in the logo using a custom theme in Totara?
Let us suppose, in Totara we have a custom theme named “test”. Now, we will discuss how will we display a custom logo on our website. There are three steps to change your site logo: Firstly, you will have to
Deep Learning
Deep learning is an advanced form of machine learning that uses many layers of neural networks to achieve accuracy in predicting results. Neural networks enable a computer to learn from data. Building algorithms using different techniques of neural networks is
How can you clear Totara Theme Cache by following different ways?
Totara Theme As we know, the theme is the main part of Totara. We can customize the totara-site look (colors, fonts, Icons, etc.) by using the theme features. When you make any changes in any theme, you will have noticed
Introduction to RabbitMQ
RabbitMQ RabbitMQ is an open-source message broker. It supports multiple messaging protocols. It was originally developed to support AMQP 0-9-1 protocol ( Advanced Message Queuing Protocol which is a messaging protocol that enables conforming client applications to communicate with conforming
Autocomplete Form Element in Totara/Moodle
Introduction The autocomplete element is an advanced form element that is compatible with the standard “Select” form element. When you have large datasets or options, in that case, to use a select list is more difficult. Because, it’s a LONG
Types of Form Creation in Moodle
Introduction A Document that contains different blank fields like(Name, DOB, Class, etc.) that the user can fill the data is called form. The form can be of many types like(Application Form, Contact Form, etc.). Forms are very helpful to store