Category: Salesforce
Ubuntu – GPG Error while running apt-get update
While running update command after some time we were getting GPG error. It was showing an error message with public key => EAA903E3A2F4C039 not found.
Salesforce | Dynamic object name in SOQL query
Problem: We have a visualforce page with a drop down list (apex:selectlist) containing Salesforce object names and a corresponding input box (apex:inputText). Requirement is to select an object from dropdown, enter a value in the input box and on submit
Moodle – Few Key Features
In this article we will go through some important features provided by Moodle. This is the list of features that we will cover: 1.Adding a book to a course 2.Adding and Managing Assignment 3.Adding a Quiz to a Course 4.Adding
Paypal Integration | Creating ClientId and Secret Key via REST API
One needs ClientId and Secret Key for payment through Paypal via REST API. To get values of these 2 key fields, follow these steps: 1.Create a Developer account on Paypal site “”. 2.Click on Sign up button at top right
IE 11 broken image issue
Recently we faced a strange issue in one of sites we have developed in WordPress. We are displaying thumbnail images on a page. The site looks great in Firefox, Chrome and Safari. But in IE, some of images were broken,
Windows over AWS EC2 | Really slow remote server
On one of the AWS Windows EC2 machine we faced frequent problem of low disk space issue in C Drive. We figured out that a lot of user accounts were created on the server and from time to time those
Zoho | Max Deluge statements in Custom Function
Maximum number of deluge statements that can be executed in one custom function is 5000. Now if you have a loop that has 10 statements inside it, and the loop runs 500 times, that means all of the 5000 statements
Accessing AWS S3 bucket in PHP | Period / Dot in Bucket Name
You may face a problem in your code if you are trying to access an AWS S3 bucket which contains period / dot in its name (like my.first.bucket). It gives a fatal error in PHP. This problem actually occurs with
PHP | Encoding Spanish Characters with json_encode
You may face a problem with Spanish characters in PHP while trying to use json_encode. After json_encode it doesn’t give any result and no any error either. For solving this use utf8_encode instead of json_encode. $result = utf8_encode ($value) Webner