Category: Salesforce
Cannot Start Apache Service
It’s a common problem while starting XAMPP, especially for Skype users. The default port used by both Skype and Apache is 80. In order to use both of them you should change the port number for one of them. Here
Shared Hosting | Absolute location of a file
If you want to access a file on a shared hosting server by specifying its absolute location it may not work. The reason is what we see on shared hosting as root folder actually may have more before it that
Mobile App development | Flipper view not showing some images
When mobile developers create an application, whether in Android or iOS, they often face challenge of mobile device fragmentation. Mobile device fragmentation in simple words means when an application is not able to run on some devices while it runs
Salesforce – To Fetch and process more than 50000 records
To Fetch and process more than 50000 records in Salesforce Problem We want to fetch more than 50000 contacts and want to process them but are not able to do that due to salesforce Query limit. Solution Batch apex is
PHP Code | Connect to remote SFTP location on Windows
We need to use the phpseclib library to connect to SFTP server: $sftp = new Net_SFTP(‘’); if (!$sftp->login(‘user_name’, ‘password’)) { exit(‘Login Failed’); } $this->downloadfiles($sftp->nlist()); //to download all files on remote root folder
Amazon S3 and PHP | How to list only top level folders in a bucket
Sample code: $result= $client->listObjects(array(“Bucket” => $bucket,”Delimiter” => “/”)); $files = $response2->getPath(‘Contents’); foreach ($result[‘CommonPrefixes’] as $object) { echo $object[‘Prefix’]’; } This will list only the top level folder. If we do not use delimiter with listObject function then it will give
Salesforce | How to recover data deleted by mistake
Salesforce provides facility to create multiple copies of organization’s data in different environments for testing and training purpose without affecting the original data. Sandboxes are of three types – Configuration Only Sandbox, Developer Sandbox, Full Sandbox. Configuration only Sandbox is
Salesforce to Amazon S3 file upload – Heap Limit Exceeded
How to resolve “Heap Limit Exceeded” error while uploading large files to Amazon S3 from within Salesforce. Amazon Toolkit from has inbuilt classes and methods that facilitate connecting to Amazon S3 from Salesforce and uploading files to Amazon S3
How to get all the checked values from the Table view in iOS
Table view is not like listview on which you can iterate over cells and get values. Tableview in iOS has reusable cells i.e. every time you scroll it, old cells don’t go up or down but the existing cells are