How to call ajax function and then fill the data received from server in a table.
Suppose the is html code of view. On change in selection of the dropdown getfun() function is called that will send an ajax call to server:
<div > <div > <select id="Project" name="Project" class="selectpicker" data-style="btn-info" data-live-search="true" onChange="getfun(this.value);"> <option value="">Select value</option> </select> </div> </div> //This function sends an ajax call to server, receives json and puts it into a table function getfun(val) { var data="val1="+val; $.ajax({ type: "GET", url: "url of the page being called", data:data, success: function(res){ var response = jQuery.parseJSON(res); //parse json to string var responseHtml = createView(response);//create table html $('#dataTables-example').append(responseHtml); //append to table } }); } //this function creates the html table and puts data into it function createView(response) { html='<tbody>'; for(i=0;i<response.length;i++){ html+= '<tr><td>'+response[i].column name+'</td>'; html+= '<td>'+response[i].column name+'</td>'; html+= '<td>'+response[i].column name+'</td>'; html+= '<td>'+response[i].column name+'</td></tr>'; //we can add as many columns as needed } html+='</tbody>'; return html; }
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