Suppose there are two filters on the screen:
Date from
Date to
We need to reload data of Jquery datatable based on changed filter values.
“ Datatable “ plugin for jQuery needs to be called by including AJAX call as shown below :
Suppose id of the button on which we have to apply the filters is “showRecord”.
Click function needs to be called using jQuery :
$("#showRecord").click(function() { table.AJAX.reload(); });
Here’s the rest of the code for table update:
var table = $('#example').DataTable( { "language": { "loadingRecords": "Please wait - loading... " }, "AJAX": { "url": "strutsActionName.action", "data":function (data) { data.fromDate=$(":text[name='date_From']").val(); data.toDate=$(":text[name='date_To']").val(); }, cache : false }, "type": "POST", "processing": true, "serverSide": false, "columns": [ { "data": "columnName" }, { "data": "columnName" }, ], filter:true, info:true, "searchable" :true, "ordering" :true, paging :true , scrollX:true, "scrollY": "500px", "scrollCollapse": true, "dom": '<"top"if>t<"bottom"rlp><"clear">' });
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