Tag: Business Website
Jquery | DataTables warning: table id – Cannot reinitialise DataTable
If you try to set properties of Jquery datatable 2 times as below, it will give an error: table = $(‘#product-data-table’).DataTable({stateSave: true}) ; table = $(‘#product-data-table’).DataTable ({“aoColumns”: [ { “bSortable”: false },null,null,null ] }); “DataTables warning: table id=product-data-table – Cannot
Safari downloading files in .csv.html format | Workaround
Problem In one of the software we are developing, we faced a strange problem in Safari browser on Mac machine. A link on webpage was provided to download a file in .CSV format (server side code written in CakePHP). In
PHP | Amazon S3 | Check if a file or folder already exists on Amazon S3 Bucket
To check if a file or folder already exists on Amazon S3 Bucket, use the following code Code: $info = $client->doesObjectExist($bucket, $FileName) if ($info) { echo ‘File exists’; } else { echo ‘File does not exists’; } Webner Solutions is
AWS S3 | How to get the count of files in a folder in AWS S3
There was a task in which we were required to get each folder name with count of files it contains from an AWS S3 bucket. If we used the general approach to start a counter and increment that in a
Upgrade to php 5.6 and apache 2.2 to apache 2.4.17 in ubuntu 12.04
These are the steps to upgrade to PHP 5.6: Add the PPA containing version 5.6 of php for Ubuntu 12.04: sudo apt-add-repository ppa:ondrej/php5-5.6 sudo apt-add-repository ppa:ondrej/php5 Run these command in terminal to upgrade php : sudo apt-get update If everything
PHP | Send mail through Gmail SMTP server and phpmailer
We have mail() function to send emails in PHP. It uses built in sendmail command that uses local mail server to send emails. PHPMailer, on the other hand, is very different. Rather than relying on sendmail, it communicates directly with
Does Java support call by reference?
Java does not support call by reference because in call by reference we need to pass the address and address are stored in pointers. Java does not support pointers and it is because pointers break the security. Java does manipulate
Selenium | how to upload a csv file with Selenium script
In this post I will give an example of how to upload a csv file with Selenium script to a webpage. Below is the screenshot of webpage: Code to automatically select a csv file and then click Submit button is
How to show slanted text and images using CSS?
Slanted text and Images in CSS for different browser is given by transform property in CSS. We need to specify the angle by which to slant the image or text. Angle can be negative or positive. Positive angle inclines the