Salesforce Files: A Simple Guide
In today’s digital era, managing files and documents efficiently is paramount for businesses to thrive. Salesforce, a leading customer relationship management (CRM) platform, offers a powerful solution for managing files with Salesforce Files. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the
An insurance plan or program offered by a company
Insurance Plan: An insurance policy or plan is a contract between the policyholder and an insurance firm. You pay regular sums of money in the form of premiums to the insurer, and they compensate you if a terrible event occurs,
What are an EXE and a DLL?
One kind of executable file is an EXE file. When opened, its primary function is to start a program. This is accomplished by executing specific scripts or by utilizing some of the data contained in the file. When you start
Login Flow in Salesforce
Before we access our salesforce org, login flow directs users through a login process. Using Login flow, we can participate and change the login process of Salesforce. Once the user is authenticated by Salesforce, the login flow directs the user
PDF Viewer Using Web Viewer
Pdf viewer is used for viewing pdf using javascript. We can Add a PDF.js viewer to any application with out-of-the-box annotations, PDF form filling, and signing. A free in-browser PDF viewer is PDF.js Express Viewer. It contains capabilities like text
Send SMS using TWILIO in Laravel
To put it into action, take the following steps: Install the TWILIO package using the command given below: composer require twilio/sdk Now, we require three credentials from the Twilio platform ( and Account SID Auth Token Phone Number Now
useRouter in NextJs
Routing – The file-system-based router in Next.js is based on the idea of pages. A file becomes immediately accessible as a route when it is added to the page’s directory. The majority of typical patterns can be defined using the
How to send data from the Parent component to the Child component in LWC
The Lightning Web Component (LWC) is widely used over the salesforce platform to build components that can work dynamically and are a combination of Custom HTML and modern JavaScript. Depending on the need, they can be displayed over Home Page,
Introduction to the rabbitmq message broker
Introduction: RabbitMQ is a message broker software that enables different systems and applications to communicate with each other in a distributed environment. It provides a reliable messaging solution that implements the Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP). In this post, we
Slack Integration With Laravel
Firstly, create a slack channel with the (composer requires laravel/slack-notification-channel ) command. Create a notification in the laravel project with the command (php artisan make: notification SlackNotification). Create toSlack method in the SlackNotification. Add routeNotificationForSlack in the user model to