Salesforce Code Analyzer

| By Shreya Duggal

Salesforce has introduced an important change for the AppExchange Managed Packages i.e. Introduction to the new tool ‘Salesforce Code Analyzer’. This tool needs to be executed if you want to publish or update a managed package. Salesforce Code Analyzer reports

JBoss 5 Profile Creation Problem – Eclipse

| By Webner

If you face problem “mail.jar not found” on configuring JBoss 5 profile in Eclipse then the reason is JBoss 5 moved server/default/lib*.jar to server/common/lib folder. Fix for this problem is to change jboss5.serverdef under eclipse (${ECLIPSE_HOME}/plugins/org.eclipse.jst.server.generic.jboss_1.5.105.v200709061325/servers on my machine). Replace