Salesforce Files: A Simple Guide
In today’s digital era, managing files and documents efficiently is paramount for businesses to thrive. Salesforce, a leading customer relationship management (CRM) platform, offers a powerful solution for managing files with Salesforce Files. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the
Waiver of subrogation in Insurance
Subrogation: When an insurance company keeps a right to legally pursue a third party (who was at fault) that can cause a claim loss to the insured, this is called as subrogation. Most of the time, an individual insurance company
What is LightningAlert in LWC
LightningAlert is a new feature that comes in the summer 22 release. Chrome and Safari decided not to support window.alert so salesforce provides an inbuilt feature called LightningAlert. To use this feature first, we need to import LightningAlert. Example:
Copy data from Azure Storage to a local disk using the Azcopy tool
Step.1 Download Azcopy from Microsoft according to your OS type These files are compressed as a zip file, so extract them at a location Like D:\azcopy_windows_amd64_10.16.2\ Run AzCopy Sample command:- Step.2 Open the storage container from the Azure portal
How to use SSH tunnel to access phpMyAdmin
Server Side: ssh to your remote machine Block direct access to your PHPMyAdmin and allow it for localhost only. If you have a standalone PHPMyAdmin then go to the apache configuration file and add the following lines. #Restricted the Access
MFA in salesforce
MFA stands for Multi-Factor Authentication, which is a security feature that requires users to provide multiple forms of verification to access a system or application. While Salesforce does not offer a specific Master of Fine Arts (MFA) program, it does
Javascript | Another alternative to using JSON.stringify, especially for large objects
JSON.stringify function converts an object into a string format. It works well for small objects. A small object means it has fewer elements or fewer nested elements. But if an object is very long and very much nested also, then
Async and Await in C#
Asynchronous programming has become increasingly important in modern software development, and C# has been at the forefront of this trend. One of the key features of C# that make asynchronous programming easier is the async and await keywords. In this
How to call API from flow in Salesforce
To call an API from a flow in Salesforce, you can use the Apex action or the HTTP request action. Here is a step-by-step explanation of how to do it: Create a new flow or open an existing flow in
10 Best Practices of AWS S3 Folder Structure
Here are 10 AWS S3 folder structure best practices: Consistent Naming Convention: Use a consistent and logical naming convention for your folders. This helps in easy navigation and organization. Avoid using special characters or spaces in folder names. Hierarchical Structure: