Get Per Hour Technical Support with Technical Support Plans from Webner Solutions
With Webner Technical Support Plans – Your Software, Hardware, Research, and Documentation are completely covered!
If you need help with your Website Design, Excel Custom Functions, Macros, assistance with your Website Hosting, Website Migration, AWS/Azure Migration or Administration, assistance with WordPress, Salesforce Administration, Salesforce Training, Salesforce Development, Hardware Infrastructure Guidance or any other similar software or hardware assistance, our Technical Support Plans are for you. You can select to buy a standard plan (fixed hours and price) or create a custom plan for the duration of your choice and relax. We have got you covered after this. You don’t need to search for a programmer, hardware expert, research associate or content writer to assist you. Just drop an email to the staff engineer we associate with your account and you will get the help you need. Although primarily we provide support in IST day time but we do offer night support at a nominal extra price to take care of emergency situations.
About Us
We are a team of 60+ IT professionals in Chandigarh, India with extensive experience in Cloud Infrastructure Creation / Administration, Web Design / Development, Mobile Apps Development, Excel (& Macros), Salesforce, Zoho, AWS, Azure, SEO, and Content Writing. For those who do not need a dedicated team of resources, we provide hourly Technical Support Plans.
How does the technical Support from Webner work
To avail technical support from us you need to purchase a support plan. You can choose from Standard Support Plans or Create a Custom plan. Each plan from us basically gives you a package of prepaid hours with validity in days (like 90, 180, etc). On some days you may not have any task and on others, you may have a lot of tasks. So based on the need you can utilize your support hours within the validity period. When you select a plan and fill the form we get the request through email. We send an invoice to you by email that you need to pay. Once paid your support account on is activated. You can login and see your plan details. As the next step, we assign a resource to your plan. You see the name of the assigned resource in your account and also get an email notification regarding this. You are connected directly to the resource supporting you because we share the email id with you. Your plan is activated and resource is assigned to your plan immediately after payment. From that point onward you can email to the resource directly about your support needs. You can assign tasks to the resource through email or a project management system of your choice. We use Freedcamp for example or you can use your own which is being used in your organization. To keep it simple you can send the tasks through email as well. When the resource gets the task from you, he can send the estimate to you in hours. Once you approve the works on the task and after completion logs the task and hours in You get an email notification like this when a task is logged:
In this way, you continue to remain aware of used and remaining hours in your plan along with plan expiry date and can plan your tasks accordingly.
What all is Covered
As far as software and hardware support is concerned there is theoretically no limit on what all is covered in the plan as long as we can do the task remotely. Still, we have tried to list most of the common items like MS Office, Office 365, AWS, Azure, Salesforce, Website, Hosting support, etc.
This is a screenshot from our Support Site that attempts to list everything our support covers:
Technical Support Plans from Webner
You can choose from Standard Support Plans or Create a Custom plan.
This is the table of Standard technical Support Plans:
- Basic Plan – In this plan, you get 90 hours with the validity of 90 days. So you have 90 days to utilize 90 hours on any sort of tasks. The total price of this plan is USD 3000 which comes to US $33.33 per hour of support.
- Standard Plan– The difference between basic and standard plan is of available hours and validity period. Price per hour also goes down to USD 30/hour. The validity period of this plan is double the validity of the basic plan, i.e 180 days. The total number of technical support provided is also double the basic plan, i.e 180 hours. It costs USD 5400.
- Premium Plan – Premium plan costs USD 6000 for 240 hours with higher validity of 360 days. It is an excellent plan with long validity period and price per hour is only US $25.
- Grand Plan – Grand plan takes the premium option forward and costs USD 9000 for 360 hours with higher validity of 360 days. It is an equivalent plan with validity period of 360 days and price per hour is only US $25.
Also when you subscribe to a plan additional discounts are available. For example, see this screenshot:
Custom Support Plan
Apart from the Standard plans offered by Webner Solutions, you can also create your own custom plan with the help of a calculator provided on Webner Support website. Link for the calculator is:
You can create custom support plan according to your needs (like how many hours you need for how much validity period). Following is a sample screenshot of the calculator provided by Webner Solutions:
Technical Support Timing and Night Support
- Night Time Support- Webner software team sits in Mohali – North India and works from Mon to Fri – 4.00 am GMT to 2.00 pm GMT. But we provide night time support as well at a nominal extra price to take care of emergency situations.
- Flexibility in Using the Hours- Although you enter average monthly hours required on Custom Plan Calculator page but we do not hold you to use all your monthly hours each month. You can use less or more than average monthly hours in each month as the need may be. You get a collective plan of X number of hours with the validity of Y months where X and Y are total values.
Technical Support Process
- Payments and Plan Activation- When you register on our website your account is created with the plan you have requested for. This sends us an email so that we could send the invoice to you and provision your account. Provisioning means activating your account and a staff member from our company is assigned to your project to assist you. You can register for free and someone from our team will connect with you within 12 hours of your registration. We accept payments through Paypal or Bank Wire Transfer (ACH is also available but within USA only).
- Resource Expertise – Developers and administrators with experience in the technologies in which your projects are built will be assigned to your projects. For infrastructure a system admin will be assigned to manage and implement the best practices to keep your infrastructure in good health. You will be connected with the resources who will work on your tasks and you can have regular meetings with them.
- What all will be Logged – Apart from H/W or S/W assistance you can use the plan hours for meetings, technical assistance, documentation, internet research or any other such activity. Every such activity is considered a task. Each hour used will be logged in this support system under your support plan and you will receive an email with the details of the task and hours consumed. In this way you can always keep track of your plan hours.
- Support Hours Carry Forward – Plan hours do not carry forward beyond expiry date except if you renew the plan before plan expires in which case 50% for the remaining hours are forwarded.
- Top Up Hours – In case you exhaust your support hours before the end of validity you can opt for top-up hours at same per hour price as your current plan gives to you.
- Regular Software Development- Our Technical Support Plans are for day to day assistance regarding Hardware and Software in use by you. For regular software development needs (like dedicated developers or fixed quote for a project) kindly write to our development email id
Support Portal Features (
After you have selected your technical support plan or made your own custom support plan, a user account is created to on our support website. You can login with the credentials provided by Webner Solutions on the login page The screenshot of the login page is provided below:
After you have successfully logged-in to our support website, you can do basic tasks like view your current plan, view usage report, change your password for better security and edit your profile.
On the landing page after login, you will see the page is shown below in the screenshot:
You can see the links to View Plan, View Usage report, Overall Consumption Summary and Monthly Consumption Summary.
View Plan will show the plan details like below:
As you can see, the information mentioned in this screenshot shows the cost of the plan, max hours of maintenance, validity in days, plan start date and expiry date, the current status of the plan, payment status, and consumed hours of maintenance.
You can also view the usage report on how many hours are spent on every task. Also, see this screenshot which shows the usage report on which task how many hours are spent by our technical support staff.
Overall Consumption Summary link on the dashboard will show you the summary of your plan hours consumption like total hours in the plan, consumed hours, the validity of the plan, and also hours consumed in last 7 days and last 30 days. Screenshot below:
Monthly Consumption Summary report is similar to Overall Consumption Summary except that it also shows monthwise hours usage as shown in the screenshot below.
Per month hours are hyperlinks and on click, you can see the tasks that consumed the hours within that month, as in the screenshot below:
Every time a task is logged by our technical support staff, you will get an Email notification. This email will include the details of the staff member who has logged the task, task description, hours logged and the remaining hours left.
Another section of this portal allows you to edit your profile which includes the change in Organisation name, Contact Person, Email, Contact Address, Website URL and Contact number. You can do this without any further assistance from our staff members.
Task Creation and Management
To manage tasks we use ‘Freedcamp’ ( which is an online web-based project management software. We can add your account into it and you can then create tasks here and assign to Webner’s staff member that will be assigned to your project. There is an option to post comments after the accomplishment of each task and that can be reviewed by the customer as well. If the customer wants to use their own task trackings software like JIRA, Trello, Basecamp or any other, our maintenance staff is also comfortable with all of these. Also, we use GIT and SVN for source control but if the customer has a preference for some other software we can use that. You can also send the tasks simply by email.
How to contact us
It is easy to reach us.
Email Ids –,,
Contact Numbers- +911725063379
For any service and business related query, feel free to contact us at
Our mailing address:
Webner Solutions Private Limited
IT-C2, First Floor, Sector- 67,
Mohali – India – 160062
Landline- +91-1725063379