Category: eLearning
How to create new plugin type in Moodle/Totara?
Introduction plugin types in Moodle/Totara As we know, Moodle/Totara has multiple plugin types. To extend core functionality, different ways are used to create each plugin type. Some of the plugin types are: mod blocks theme availability report auth local etc.
Benefits of eLearning in Modern Organizations
Introduction to eLearning Providing skillful training is integral for any organization to succeed and effective training helps not only the employers but also the employees who expand their skill-set. A lot many eLearning development companies are turning to an efficient
Disabling Form Elements in Moodle/Totara
Here we will discuss how to disable form elements based on conditions in moodle/totara. We are creating a form in moodle/totara by extending “moodleform” class and overriding the definition() method to including the form elements. For example: If you want
In Totara – User Enrolment into Course as well as corresponding Group
Totara – How to programmatically Enroll User into Course along with the corresponding Group As a trainer or a manager, if you go to Gradebook screen you will see the dropdown of group names there, on which you can filter
Language pack update in Totara 11
Language pack updation in Totara 11 In previous versions of Totara, we were required to update the version of plugin in version.php file to reflect the language file changes. Therefore for a single string change the plugin version needed to
How can you modify the existing tables in Moodle/Totara?
How can you modify the existing tables of the installed plugin in Moodle/Totara? When you install any plugin, install.xml is used to create all the tables required for your plugin. A most common practice that people use to do is
Captivate Content – Scroll not working in landscape mode on iPhone
Problem: Scroll was not working in the landscape mode for iPhone and iPad in adobe captivate In our project, we faced one problem the scrollbar in adobe captivate content was not working on the landscape mode of iPhone and iPad.
Display direct/indirect users under a manager in totara
Display direct/indirect users under a manager in Totara Direct Users: The users under a manager. In the following example, Manager1 is direct manager of Manager2. Indirect Users: The users who are not directly under the manager instead they are under
Totara | How to enroll audience to Course or Program
Enrolling audience to Course or Program in Totara Problem: I want to enroll audience in course/program and I do not know that how we can enroll audience in course/program. To enroll an audience in course/program, I have followed the below