Category: eLearning
Divide Moodle Dashboard in 4 columns to place blocks in them
Divide Moodle Dashboard in 4 columns to place blocks in them We were required to build a custom moodle theme that displays blocks in 4 columns one after the other in moodle 3.4.2+. To achieve this we created a new
Check if a Section or Activity is accessible to user in Moodle
In Moodle a course can have multiple sections and each section can have multiple activities in it. Moodle provides access restrictions feature in course in which we can impose some restrictions to section or activity based on date, completion, group
Create custom scheduled task in Totara
How to create custom scheduled task in Totara using code in the custom plugin Scheduled tasks are very useful if we want to perform anything in the background. Here I am going to explain the steps to create a custom
Moodle | Steps to create a custom theme
In moodle we can create new theme using existing theme and customise them according to user requirements. We can create new theme from scratch or by using existing theme. We can customize their front page, course page and activity pages
Moodle | Totara | Create bulk enrollments from command line
1. Go Home ► Site administration ► Development ► Debugging and set Debug messages with “DEVELOPER: extra debug messages for developers”. 2. Create a testcourse.bash file in root directory with : for i in {1..100} do var=”Course_from_script_$i” echo $var php
Moodle | New Database table not getting created
In Moodle, we were creating a new table for our custom plugin in db/install.xml file. Install.xml file : <TABLES> <TABLE NAME=”test_student” COMMENT=”Student details.”> <FIELDS> <FIELD NAME=”id” TYPE=”int” LENGTH=”10″ NOTNULL=”true” SEQUENCE=”true”/> <FIELD NAME=”user_name” TYPE=”text” NOTNULL=”true” SEQUENCE=”false”/> <FIELD NAME=”userid” TYPE=”int” LENGTH=”10″ NOTNULL=”true”
How to enable the settings to run the cron using browser in Moodle/Totara
Description: If you need to run the moodle cron job to test any task which will be executed by the cron job then you can do so by typing the following url in the address bar of your browser: http://localhost/your-moodle-site-name/admin/cron.php