How to access javascript array in php on submit

| By Webner

Suppose you have a Javascript array and want to send it to the server side on page submit then you can use this method. Suppose we have a Javascript array with 3 elements: var test = [“test1”, “test2”, “test3”]; Now

PHP – Possible reasons of “Allowed memory size exhausted” error

| By Webner

Most of the times when we get memory exhausted error, we normally think that the memory allocated for php program execution in php.ini file is not sufficient and raise this limit to try to fix the error. However, code inefficiency

How to add combobox in editable datagrid using jQuery EasyUI

| By Webner

Following is the code to add Combobox in editable data grid: Index.html: <table id=”dg” title=” Combobox in editable datagrid ” style=”width:100%;height:700px” toolbar=”#toolbar” pagination=”true” rownumbers=”true” fitColumns=”false” singleSelect=”true” autoSave=”true” data-options=”pageSize:50″> <thead> <tr> <th field=”Item_number”width=”100″ editor=”{ Type:’combobox’, Options:{url:’get_itemname.php’, valueField:’itemno’, textField:’itemname’ }}”>Item Name</th> <th