In order to add text over an image, following PHP code can be used. Read the comments to understand purpose of code statements:
<?php header ("Content-type: image/jpeg"); //setting the content type //variable containing the string to be written on the image $txt = "Here goes the text to be placed on the image"; $fontSize = 6; // sets size of the text as per need /*below line sets pixel width of the section where the string would be placed. Imagefontwidth() returns the pixel width of a character by using the font size manually set by us in previous line. We would multiply it by total number of characters in the $txt variable to get the complete width of the string to be printed on image.*/ $widthX = imagefontwidth($fontSize) * strlen($txt) ; //Similarly, this line sets pixel height of the section where the string would be placed. $heightY = imagefontheight($fontSize) ; // converts the argument file into a jpg image $img = imagecreatefromjpeg("Image.jpg"); //setting X coordinates by subtracting the pixel width of the string from width of the image calculated using imagesx(). $xCoords = imagesx($img) - $widthX ; //setting Y coordinates by subtracting the pixel height of the string from height of the image calculated using imagesy(). $yCoords = imagesy($img) - $heightY; //setting the background-color of the string on image $backgroundColor = imagecolorallocate ($img, 255, 255, 255); $txtColor = imagecolorallocate ($img, 0, 0,0); //setting the text-color of the string on image // rendering the string on the image using X and Y coordinate values and other specific details imagestring ($img, $fontSize, $xCoords, $yCoords, $txt, $txtColor); //creating the final jpg image along with text and sending to the browser imagejpeg($img); ?>
This code works for all JPEG image files.
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