Suppose you have a Javascript array and want to send it to the server side on page submit then you can use this method.
Suppose we have a Javascript array with 3 elements:
var test = ["test1", "test2", "test3"];
Now create a hidden variable in HTML. This variable will be set to the Javascript array values on submit:
<input id="hidden_js_aid" type="hidden" name="hidden_js_array">
1. Submit button click needs to call Javascript function setArrayToHidden():
<form action="target Server controller" method="post"> <input type="submit" name="button1" value="create my learning plan" onclick="setArrayToHidden();"> </form>
2. In setArrayToHidden function we will put the array in the hidden variable:
function setArrayToHidden() { document.getElementById('hidden_js_aid').value=test; }
Now hidden_js_aid variable will contain the array element values like this:
<input id=”hidden_js_aid” type=”hidden” name=”hidden_js_array” value=”test1,test2,test3”>
3. On the server side retrieve the value like below and explode it to convert back into array:
$data = $_POST['hidden_js_array']; $test_array=array(); $test_array=explode(',', $data); echo "<pre>";print_r($test_array);echo "<pre>";
Array ( [0] =>test1 [1] =>test2 [2] => test3 )
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