Following is the code to add Combobox in editable data grid:
<table id="dg" title=” Combobox in editable datagrid ” style="width:100%;height:700px" toolbar="#toolbar" pagination="true" rownumbers="true" fitColumns="false" singleSelect="true" autoSave="true" data-options="pageSize:50"> <thead> <tr> <th field="Item_number"width="100" editor="{ Type:'combobox', Options:{url:'get_itemname.php', valueField:'itemno', textField:'itemname' }}">Item Name</th> <th field="type" width="70">Cost</th> </tr> </thead> get_itemname.php <?php $host = "localhost"; $user = "username"; $pass = "password"; $db = "database_name"; $conn = mysql_connect ( $host, $user, $pass ) or die ( "Unable to connect!" ); mysql_select_db ( $db ) or die ( "Unable to select database!" ); $getItemQuery="SELECT `itemno,itemname` FROM item"; $getItemQuery_Result=mysql_query ($getItemQuery ); $JsonData=array(); while ( $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($getItemQuery_Result) ) { $item_no = $row ['itemno']; $item_name = $row ['itemname']; $Item_obj=new Item($item_no, $item_name); array_push($JsonData, $Item_obj); } echo json_encode($JsonData); //return data back to the client in Json format class Item { public $itemno; public $itemname; function __construct($itemno,$itemName) { $this->itemno=$itemno; $this->itemname=$itemName; } }