MySQL | Insert multiple records and update if record(s) already exist in a single query

| By Webner

In MySQL, we generally perform insert, update, select and delete operations on records of table. Multiple Insert operation can also be easily performed on table. Take an example of Employees table with fields: Multiple records can be inserted in Employees

Cordova/Phonegap | How to fix footer at bottom when virtual keyboard is opened

| By Webner

Problem : Footer is not visible or fixed at bottom, when virtual keyboard is opened in Phonegap/Cordova Application. Solution : Consider following div create for footer : <div data-role=”footer” data-position=”fixed” class=’custom_footer’ data-theme=’b’ data-tap-toggle=”false”></div> To keep Footer fixed at bottom and

Netsuite | Invalid email address or account number error on NetSuite, but passed correct credentials

| By Webner

ERROR: Invalid email address or account number error on NetSuite, but passed correct credentials. Need to authenticate NetSuite sandbox account through java application and fetch all the contacts. Below is the link to the WSDL file used to log in:

MySQL | Upgrade MySQL 5.5 to 5.6 in Ubuntu 14.04

| By Webner

MySql 5.5 is the default version for Ubuntu 14.04 Steps to Upgrade the mysql-server If you have existing database in Mysql 5.5. It should be migrated automatically. Take the backup of existing databases: mysql> mysqldump –lock-all-tables -u root -p -all-databases