PHP | Use Of strtr() function

| By Webner

In PHP if you want to replace multiple variables of the string at one go you could use strtr() instead of using str_replace(). Example : $vars = array( ‘##session_date##’=>$sessiondate, ‘##session_time##’=>$sessiontime, ‘##conferencelinenumber##’ =>$conferencelinenumber, ‘##pincode##’ =>$pincode, ‘##coachingcommnets##’=>$coachingcomments, ‘##actioncommitmnets##’=>$actioncommitmnets, ‘##reminders##’=> ‘ ‘, ‘##name##’

CakePHP | How to skip CakePHP authentication for some controller methods

| By Webner

Description: By default, CakePHP authentication is applied to all application controllers. So it does not allow users to perform any of the action without login. Solution: Each controller has a beforeFilter method which runs when some action is called from controller.

Java | Delete empty string from list or array

| By Webner

public class deleteEmptyStringQuick { public static void main(String[] args) { String[] emptyStringArray={“test”,”test1″,””,”test3″,””,”test4″}; ArrayList arrayListOfEmptyString=(ArrayList) Arrays.asList(emptyStringArray); //normally we will do this ArrayList filteredList = new ArrayList(); for(String string: arrayListOfEmptyString) { if(!string.isEmpty()) { filteredList.add(string); } } //You can achieve this with single

PHP | Header function not working

| By Webner

Code : Function getredirect($subcontactid) { echo”contactid”.$subcontactid; header(“location:$subcontactid”); exit; } The header function in the above code does not work. But when we remove the echo from the code, it works properly. Code after removing echo : Function getredirect($subcontactid) { header(“location:$subcontactid”);

Generate getter/setter for PHP Classes in Eclipse

| By Webner

Using PHPGen Eclipse plug-in one can automatically generate getter /setter methods for instance variables. Note: This Plugins is not available in Eclipse Marketplace. Steps For Installation: Start Eclipse and add “Help> Install New Software” from following URL: Click Add,

jQuery | Click event does not work on dynamically created HTML elements

| By Webner

Solution: Suppose we have the following HTML and jQuery code: HTML: <div id=”container”> <button id=”1″ class=”createNewElement”>Button</button> </div> jQuery: $(‘.createNewElement’).click(function(e) { alert(“Element with id ” + $(this).attr(‘id’) + ” is clicked!”); // tells id of button clicked newElementId = parseInt($(‘div button’).last().attr(‘id’)) +