In Totara how to add custom HTML elements (checkboxes, input boxes etc) and then access the value selected by user on server side:
1. Adding custom elements.
2. Accessing values of custom elements.
Each problem is discussed below: Overview:
In Totara, for blocks, we have some standard configuration settings. In these settings, we can change position, visibility, weight etc of the block. To access these settings:
Go on course page->turn editing on->click on ‘configure “your block name” block’:
On configuration page these standard settings are available for the block:
Problem 1:
How to add custom settings for the block on configuration page:
Above is a standard Totara page and we need to follow a process to add custom settings here:
Structure of folders and files in Totara:
Totara/ blocks/ abc/ //custom block lang/ db/ Abc_form.php edit_form.php alerts/ //standard block lang/ db/ Alerts_form.php edit_form.php ….. edit_form.php
edit_form.php file contains standard settings. When we download a block template, edit_form.php is already present in this block.
Standard Code available in edit_form.php
class block_abc_edit_form extends block_edit_form { protected function specific_definition($mform) { // Section header title according to language file. $mform->addElement('header', 'configheader', get_string('blocksettings', 'block')); // A sample string variable with a default value. $mform->addElement('text', 'config_text', get_string('blockstring', 'block_abc')); $mform->setDefault('config_text', 'default value'); $mform->setType('config_text', PARAM_MULTILANG); $mform->addElement('header', 'configheader', get_string('blocksettings1', 'block_abc')); }
For adding custom settings we need to follow the Moodle api as we are overriding a standard class. In moodle api we have mform (moodle form ) elements in place of simple html elements.
Add the following code in block_abc_edit_form class (like we are going to add a custom checkbox):
$mform->addElement('advcheckbox','config_assignid'.$a,$label,null, array('name' => 'config_'.$a),$a);
config_assignid’.$a is checkbox name and id.
$label is checkbox label (it will appear to the left of checkbox on UI)
null is checkbox label on right side.
$a is the value of checkbox (which will be sent to server on submit).
After adding these checkboxes our configuration page will look like this :
Problem 2: How to access the value of mform checkboxes on other pages of the block.
Solution: To achieve this we have to create an instance of the block and then access the variable/methods from there:
$coursecontext = context_course::instance($courseid); $instance = $DB->get_record('block_instances', array('blockname'=>'abc', 'parentcontextid' => $coursecontext->id)); $block_abc= block_instance('abc', $instance); echo "this";print_r($block_abc->config); $coursecontext = context_course::instance($courseid);
Get context of course:
$instance = $DB->get_record('block_instances', array('blockname'=>'abc', 'parentcontextid' => $coursecontext->id));
This will fetch us configuration settings like weight, region, default value, config data for our block:
stdClass Object ( [id] => 63 [blockname] => abc [parentcontextid] => 19 [showinsubcontexts] => 0 [pagetypepattern] => course-view-* [subpagepattern] => [defaultregion] => side-pre [defaultweight] => 10 ) $block_abc= block_instance('abc', $instance);
It will display all the data (cron, context, page, config etc) associated to block:
e.g. block context and config
Here config holds the values of checkboxes:
[context] => context_block Object ( [_id:protected] => 272 [_contextlevel:protected] => 80 [_instanceid:protected] => 63 [_path:protected] => /1/3/19/272 [_depth:protected] => 4 ) [config] => stdClass Object ( [assignid9] => 9 [assignid10] => 10 [assignid11] => 11 [assignid12] => 12 [assignid13] => 13 [assignid16] => 16 )
To get only config data (checkbox values) we can do like this
echo “this :”;
Following output contains only values of checked checkboxes: