Cakephp | URL routing using prefix before domain name

| By Webner

Routes in an application are configured in app/Config/routes.php. Defining your own routes allows you to define where your application will take the control to for a given URL. Default routing is like this: domain/controller/action Ex. Prefix routing will add

Zoho CRM | Reduce API call consumption

| By Webner

This is a simple idea to reduce API calls consumption when you pull data from Zoho CRM into an integrated piece of code (like server side code in PHP or Java that connects to Zoho CRM to retrieve records). In

Call third party JSON webservice in cakephp 3.0

| By Webner

To call third-party web service in CakePHP 3.0. You can use Http client available in CakePHP core lib (CakeNetworkHttpClient). Include CakeNetworkHttpClient in your controller. use CakeNetworkHttpClient; Here is the method to call third-party web service. You can use this method

Cakephp | URL routing using prefix after domain name

| By Webner

Routes in an application are configured in app/Config/routes.php. Defining your own routes allows you to define where your application will take the control to for a given URL. Default routing is like this: domain/controller/action Ex. Prefix routing will add

Moodle / PHP | The uploaded file exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini

| By Webner

How to increase the value of ‘upload_max_filesize’ variable to upload a file/plugin of larger size. We were trying to install a new plugin with size of approx 3.5 mb in our moodle site. It was showing an error:“The uploaded file

Air Gapping | Mobile app connectivity with localhost services

| By Webner

When we were trying to connect an android app with the php localhost services it was giving an error: cannot connect to the server please check your network connection. Code independently was working but not when we were connecting Android