PHP Code | Connect to remote SFTP location on Windows

| By Webner

We need to use the phpseclib library to connect to SFTP server: $sftp = new Net_SFTP(‘’); if (!$sftp->login(‘user_name’, ‘password’)) { exit(‘Login Failed’); } $this->downloadfiles($sftp->nlist()); //to download all files on remote root folder

Amazon S3 and PHP | How to list only top level folders in a bucket

| By Webner

Sample code: $result= $client->listObjects(array(“Bucket” => $bucket,”Delimiter” => “/”)); $files = $response2->getPath(‘Contents’); foreach ($result[‘CommonPrefixes’] as $object) { echo $object[‘Prefix’]’; } This will list only the top level folder. If we do not use delimiter with listObject function then it will give

How to Remove Empty Objects From Array In CakePHP

| By Webner

In CakePHP, to remove empty or ‘false’ values from an Array, use CakePHP’s static ‘filter’ method contained in ‘Hash’ class: $sampleArray = [ , false, true, 0, [‘one, ‘two, ‘three’] ] $sampleArray = Hash::filter($sampleArray); Here’s the array after filter method

Importance of Website for Business – Part 3

| By Webner

In previous 2 posts in this series we covered benefits of having a website for your business and difference between Responsive and Non-Responsive website. We also shared some stats on how small business presence on Internet is going up. In