Category: PHP Frameworks
Heroku | How to create/deploy your Php/CakePHP app (Ubuntu)
1. Sign up: First, go to and click “sign up” to get your free Heroku account. 2. Install the Heroku Toolbelt: The Heroku Toolbelt contains the Heroku client, a command-line tool for creating and managing Heroku apps. Install Heroku
XML parsing problem – HTML entity characters in XML
Problem We had written a PHP program to parse large XML files and split each file into smaller chunks. Program was working fine for all the XML files except few. It was not splitting some XML files. After looking for
Accessing AWS S3 bucket in PHP | Period / Dot in Bucket Name
You may face a problem in your code if you are trying to access an AWS S3 bucket which contains period / dot in its name (like my.first.bucket). It gives a fatal error in PHP. This problem actually occurs with
PHP | Encoding Spanish Characters with json_encode
You may face a problem with Spanish characters in PHP while trying to use json_encode. After json_encode it doesn’t give any result and no any error either. For solving this use utf8_encode instead of json_encode. $result = utf8_encode ($value) Webner
Salesforce password expires and it needs to be changed in code everytime
Problem: We’re integrating Salesforce to a third-party e-commerce site using our custom cakephp app. In the app we’ve written code which uses Salesforce API to connect to Salesforce using Salesforce account username and password and then makes use of API
Codeigniter | How to remove index.php from URLs
Problem: The default URL for Codeigniter contains index.php in it. How to remove that from URL? For example: How do we change http://localhost/workspace/pagination_demo/index.php/Home/ to http://localhost/workspace/pagination_demo/Home/ Solution: Steps: 1. Go to application- config folder inside your project: 2. Open config.php file: This
Error Code: 3. Error writing file ‘/tmp/MYMI5iqH’ (Errcode: 28)
Problem Recently in a website we were developing in Codeigniter PHP Framework, some of the urls stopped working and started throwing 500 internal server error. On investigation we found a MySQL query which was causing the problem .Query is simple
Heroku | Run Cakephp Code as Cron Job
Problem The requirement was to run CakePHP controller action as cron job on Heroku. In order to achieve this you need to schedule this action so that it runs at specific time intervals on Heroku. To run the code you
Shared Hosting | Absolute location of a file
If you want to access a file on a shared hosting server by specifying its absolute location it may not work. The reason is what we see on shared hosting as root folder actually may have more before it that