Category: PHP Frameworks
Laravel 5.4 Logs And Errors
Introduction Logfiles: Logs are files that keep a registry or records of events, processes, messages that occur in the operating system or any software that runs. Laravel provides the robust logging services that allow the user to log messages to
Firebase Integration With Laravel 6.x (Ubuntu 18.04)
Below are the steps to integrate Firebase with Laravel 6.x Step 1 To integrate Firebase with Laravel we first need a Laravel project. Create a new Laravel project using the given composer command. composer create-project –prefer-dist laravel/laravel firebase Step 2
Regular expressions in PHP
Regular expressions Regular expressions use arithmetic operators like +,^,- and create complex expressions that can help to validate IP address, email address, telephone no, etc. They save our coding time. Some of built-in PHP regular expressions are: Preg_replace- perform pattern
Convert PDF To Image In PHP
How to convert PDF to image file using PHP? Before installing PDF to Images package, firstly you need to install two PHP extensions Imagick and Ghostscript. Step 1: Install Imagick sudo apt-get install php-imagick Step 2: Restart Apache In the
Introduction to MVC
What is MVC? The MVC is a very frequent web development architectural framework or application designing model which contains three main components the Model, the View and the Controller each of them performs different functions assigned to them. It helps
Compress Videos using FFmpeg Laravel & shell_exec method
Introduction First of all, install FFmpeg in your composer. Perform the steps below to install it on Ubuntu: composer require pbmedia/laravel-FFmpeg Start by updating the packages list: $ sudo apt update – Next, install FFmpeg by typing the following command:
Reformat associative array in CakePHP 2.*
How to use CakePHP 2.* Hash::combine method to reformat associative and find results array? Sometimes we do a lot in the code to reformat find query results, to remove the table name (for example, User, Article, etc) from the array
Creating A New Laravel App With Initial Setup
How to create a new laravel app with initial setup and get everything up and running? To create your first Laravel app, you will require some prerequisites and here is what you will need to have installed: Composer WebServer; I
Laravel Events Introduction With Example
Laravel Events Events are one of the many powerful features of the Laravel. The event basically means the thing that happens or takes place, especially the one that is important. So, in Laravel’s case, events are triggered when some condition