Salesforce | Get list of Salesforce sobjects and fields in PHP

| By Webner

Problem: How to get list of all the Salesforce sobjects in php. Also get fields of each sobject. Solution: First we need to install Salesforce php toolkit for this. Once you have it then this is the sample code: require_once(SFDCPHPtoolkit

Purpose of Security.salt and Security.cipherSeed in CakePHP

| By Webner

cipherSeed in CakePHP cipherSeed is used in Security::cipher() function to seed rand(). Seed means to give the initial value to rand() function to start and based on that the future values by rand() function are generated. In php, before 4.2.0

Heroku | The datasource configuration “default” was not found in database.php

| By Webner

Heroku throwing ERROR: “The datasource configuration “default” was not found in database.php” with database configuration already present for cakephp app. In one of our cakephp projects hosted on Heroku we used PostgreSql database. For configuring the database to connect to

How to convert an object into Json String in Unity3D Script (C#)

| By Webner

How to convert an object into JSON String in Unity3D Script (C#)? Let’s say I have a class: class User { String firstName; String lastName; String userName; } User obj = new User { firstName = “Shalini”, lastName = “Vashist”,


| By Webner

SALESFORCE MOBILE Authorization Error after successful login from mobile in salesforce connected app When a user requests their Salesforce data from within the external application (the consumer’s page), the user must be authenticated by Salesforce. After login into the native