cipherSeed in CakePHP
cipherSeed is used in Security::cipher() function to seed rand(). Seed means to give the initial value to rand() function to start and based on that the future values by rand() function are generated. In php, before 4.2.0 version, Random Number Generator (rand() function) needed to seed using srand(). In cakephp to seed random number generator, cipherSeed is used instead. After php 4.2.0 Random Number Generator is seeded automatically.
E.g. srand(Configure::read('Security.cipherSeed')); //usage in cipher() function Security::cipher(string,key) is used to encrypt/decrypt any string. E.g. $key = 'wt1U5MACWJFTXGenFoZoiLwQGrLgdbHA'; // Encrypt your text with key $secret = Security::cipher('hello world', $key); echo $secret; //output-> “€=™7DxÌô¥®” // Later decrypt your text with same key $nosecret = Security::cipher($secret, $key); echo $nosecret; //output-> “hello world” Security.salt
Security.salt is the hash which is used to encrypt passwords or any other string in Security::hash($string,$type=null,$salt=false). Its types are BLOWFISH, SHA256 (default if do not pass any type), SHA256. If no encryption method (sha1, sha256) is available then Security::hash() method returns md5() of $string passed to it.
e.g.--> -->Default encryption method (sha1) echo Security::hash("ashish"); //default sha1 type is used to encrypt. And no security salt used //output->428b6da53085b8fd7b37e9fb259c0c609bd09984 -->Blowfish encryption method echo Security::hash("ashish","blowfish"); //every time the hash will be different //output->$2a$10$uh4ZtynR.UyhPC0vkV/F6ehG6./faI3EugP.x4Xte9HjYJ/9Hcwmi echo Security::hash("ashish","blowfish",false); //in case of type=blowfish, salt must be false or no need to pass salt, otherwise no hash will be generated //output->$2a$10$ynJZ/YLMVhLgH14Rzs6mFuBYsa3ZHEP5UBrDfZGIho5EyFJod6dhq echo Security::hash("ashish","blowfish",”ashish”); //output->[blank] -->SHA1 encryption method used echo Security::hash("ashish","sha1"); //no security salt used //output->428b6da53085b8fd7b37e9fb259c0c609bd09984 echo Security::hash("ashish","sha1","ashish"); //”ashish” as salt is used. //output->6c545c22ee55d67404dcf5a3dd939e3756ca884e echo Security::hash("ashish","sha1",true); //true means application’s security salt is also used to encrypt the string //output->f4d1f8fc159b36949660810568a303144c8f6f8a -->SHA256 encryption method used echo Security::hash("ashish","sha256"); //no security salt used //output->05d08de271d2773a504b3a30f98df26cccda55689a8dc3514f55d3f247553d2b echo Security::hash("ashish","sha256","ashish"); //”ashish” as salt is used //output->c20b4ea687b17165031270746eabd00171b25e00d4ac168abff0b14e7f602774 echo Security::hash("ashish","sha256",true); //true means application’s security salt is also used to encrypt the string //output->880f2861e4510c1ddebc00e067c4e4cf345b31c92a12cd7a19b47bbc727bf424
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