Category: Mobile
How to access Flashlight in React Native app
Steps to access Flashlight in React Native app To turn the flashlight on/off on the mobile device react native provides a plugin called react-native-torch. Installation: npm install –save react-native-torch react-native link react-native-torch iOS 1. npm install react-native-torch –save 2. In
How to play Audio file in React Native
Steps to play Audio file in React Native React-native-audio-player is a react-native link module for audio recorder and player. This library provides simple recorder and player functionalities for both android and ios platforms. This only supports default file extension for
How to run Background services in React Native app
Steps to run Background Services in React Native app React-native-background-task is a library which can execute a function when the app is closed or in background, no more frequently than every 15 minutes. Installation: $ npm install react-native-background-task –save Android
Jquery | DataTables warning: table id – Cannot reinitialise DataTable
If you try to set properties of Jquery datatable 2 times as below, it will give an error: table = $(‘#product-data-table’).DataTable({stateSave: true}) ; table = $(‘#product-data-table’).DataTable ({“aoColumns”: [ { “bSortable”: false },null,null,null ] }); “DataTables warning: table id=product-data-table – Cannot
Zoho CRM Editions and Limitations
What you cannot do in which type of Zoho CRM license Zoho CRM is available in many editions and each edition has different set of features. In this article we are trying to cover each edition and list corresponding key
Salesforce | Sort “wrapper class” objects alphabetically based on a String parameter
Suppose we have a Wrapper class with fName as a string instance variable and we want to sort a list of objects alphabetically based on value of this variable. Implement Comparable interface global class MyWrapperclass implements Comparable { public String
Salesforce | Different ways to use datepicker on visualforce page
1. Apex:inputfield: We can simply use apex:inputfield and bind the field with date type field and it will automatically use the Salesforce Calander: <apex:page standardcontroller=Contact> <apex:form> <apex:inputfield value=”{!Contact.Birthdate}”> </apex:form> </apex:page> 2. Apex:inputtext: <apex:page standardcontroller=”testcontroller” id=”vfPage”> <apex:form> <apex:inputText label=”Birth Date” value=”{!birthdateVariable}”
PHP | Amazon S3 | Check if a file or folder already exists on Amazon S3 Bucket
To check if a file or folder already exists on Amazon S3 Bucket, use the following code Code: $info = $client->doesObjectExist($bucket, $FileName) if ($info) { echo ‘File exists’; } else { echo ‘File does not exists’; } Webner Solutions is
Zoho CRM Editions Comparison Table
Editions Free Edition Standard Edition Professional Edition Enterprise Edition CRM Plus Edition Pricing Monthly pricing (Billed annually) Free for 10 users $12 /user / month $20 /user / month $40 /user / month/td> $50 /user / month Monthly pricing (Billed