Category: Linux, Windows, Mac
PHP | Deleting files from local machine (unlink(): No such file or directory)
Assume following is the path on your system in which you want to delete some files through code (unlink function): C:\wamp\www Now if we use the same address in source variable (“C:\wamp\www”), it gives the following error: unlink(): No such
Mysql Workbench | How to copy Remote database into your local machine
1. Select Database: Schema Transfer Wizard from the Mysql workbench menu bar. You will see schema transfer wizard on your screen as below: Click on Start the Wizard option. 2. Connection Selection: Now select your source and destination location to copy database:
Linux | How to grep only uncommented contents from any configuration file
Problem : How to grep only uncommented contents from any configuration file which is big in size, has many comments and blank lines Solution: This can be achieved by following single command : # grep -v ‘^$’ /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf | grep
MySQL | Upgrade MySQL 5.5 to 5.6 in Ubuntu 14.04
MySql 5.5 is the default version for Ubuntu 14.04 Steps to Upgrade the mysql-server If you have existing database in Mysql 5.5. It should be migrated automatically. Take the backup of existing databases: mysql> mysqldump –lock-all-tables -u root -p -all-databases
How to handle grub rescue problem in dual boot systems
Description: In a dual boot system (Ubuntu/windows), if you delete the boot partition of ubuntu or delete the Linux operating system by formatting the drive then you will face the grub rescue problem. In this problem we have two cases:
Java | Configure Tomcat as a service on linux
Configure Tomcat service in Linux: These instructions are related to installing and running Tomcat 7 as a service, which means that it will be launched at system boot and will be closed properly on system shutdown. Running tomcat as a
How to use SimpleSAMLPhp as a Service Provider for authenticating users?
How to use SimpleSAMLPhp as a Service Provider for authenticating users? Some Basic steps to start using simplesamlphp. 1. Download stable version of SimpleSAMLphp from this link: Click here 2. Go to the directory or your workspace where you want
New & Custom workspace in Illustrator
New & Custom workspace in Illustrator: 1. Go to the file or press Ctrl + N in Windows system / command + N on Mac: 2. This will open New window panel on your screen. You can change the title
Eclipse | Undo deleted file in Eclipse
Problem: Undo deleted file in Eclipse Solution: We were working on a project in Eclipse. Accidentally one of the PHP files got deleted in which code was written. Eclipse does not use the Linux ‘Trash’ but keeps local history from where we