Display direct/indirect users under a manager in Totara
Direct Users: The users under a manager.
In the following example, Manager1 is direct manager of Manager2.
Indirect Users: The users who are not directly under the manager instead they are under some other manager but that manager is under the main manager.
In the following example, Manager3 is the manager of TestUser1, Manager2 is the manager of Manager3 and Manager1 is the manager of Manager2 therefore, Manager1 is indirectly the manager of TestUser1.
——-Manager2 ( User of Manager1)
———————-Manager3 ( User of Manage2)
————————————TestUser1 ( User of Manager1)
————————————TestUser2 ( User of Manager2)
————————————TestUser3 ( User of Manager3)
————————————TestUser4 ( User of Manager2)
To view the list of all the direct/indirect users under a Manager, we need to run the following query:
SELECT base.id AS userid FROM {user} base WHERE (( EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM {user} u1 INNER JOIN {job_assignment} u1ja ON u1ja.userid = u1.id INNER JOIN {job_assignment} d1ja ON d1ja.managerjaid = u1ja.id WHERE u1.id = :viewer1 AND d1ja.userid = base.id AND d1ja.userid != u1.id) OR EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM {user} u2 INNER JOIN {job_assignment} u2ja ON u2ja.userid = u2.id INNER JOIN {job_assignment} i2ja ON i2ja.managerjapath LIKE Concat(u2ja.managerjapath, '/%') WHERE u2.id = :viewer2 AND i2ja.userid = base.id AND i2ja.userid != u2.id AND i2ja.managerjaid != u2ja.id) )) AND base.deleted = 0 $params['viewer1'] = <userid of manager1>; $params['viewer2'] = < userid of manager1>; $users = $DB->get_records_sql($sql, $params);
By executing this query, all the direct/indirect users under manager1 will be shown:
Manager2 Manager3 TestUser1 TestUser2 TestUser3 TestUser4