Category: Database
How to deploy the LWC component on a Local Development Server
You can deploy your LWC component on a local development server. Once you deploy your component on a local server, then you do not need to deploy again and again to see the output. You just need to save your
Bulk State Transition
The Bulk State Design pattern is the general pattern that executes the bulk of the actions in Apex based on the change of state of one or more records. Bulk transitions increase the code reusability by allowing only records that
How to Retrieve Metadata of AWS EC2 Machine
Metadata is data about your EC2 instance that is used to manage and configure the instance. Developers use the metadata in the script in order to configure the instances and their resources. Please login to your EC2 machine and run
Call Apex Function inside an LWC Function
While creating the LWC component whenever you want to call an apex function you use the @wire function in it and pass parameter in it which has @track or @api decorator attached with it like @track id; or @api id;
How to switch the Mysql authentication method from auth_socket to mysql_native_password
In this article, we will come to know how we can switch the MySQL root user default (Auth_Socket) authentication method to mysql_native_password. Auth_socket Authentication Auth_socket authentication is a server-side default authentication plugin that is used to authenticate the client input
Keyring Password Issue
Use this if you have forgotten the password of the keyring in Ubuntu, but you want to safeguard a new keyring with a password. For Ubuntu 18.04, I used the following. Remove old keyring: For this, we need to change
How to exclude source when Syncing or Converting – DX
While Syncing the metadata files between your local system and a target/Scratch org, you often want to exclude some of the source files. Similarly, you often have files to exclude when converting the source to the Salesforce DX project format.
How to export database schema with data in Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio
Problem: When we use Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio to export the database, by default it will export the database schema only. When I was trying to export the database to import it into my other local machine, I faced