Mysql | How to drop table having dot (.) in the table name in MySQL

| By Webner

We had a table in our database having dot in the table name as below: Table name – kpc.product_categories On trying to delete kpc.product_categories using below command: drop table kpc.product_categories It used to give error that no such table exists.

Zoho CRM | Reduce API call consumption

| By Webner

This is a simple idea to reduce API calls consumption when you pull data from Zoho CRM into an integrated piece of code (like server side code in PHP or Java that connects to Zoho CRM to retrieve records). In

Error Code: 3. Error writing file ‘/tmp/MYMI5iqH’ (Errcode: 28)

| By Webner

Problem Recently in a website we were developing in Codeigniter PHP Framework, some of the urls stopped working and started throwing 500 internal server error. On investigation we found a MySQL query which was causing the problem .Query is simple

Importance of Website for Business – Part 3

| By Webner

In previous 2 posts in this series we covered benefits of having a website for your business and difference between Responsive and Non-Responsive website. We also shared some stats on how small business presence on Internet is going up. In

Connection Pool with Tomcat6 and Mysql

| By Webner

Inside $tomcat_home/conf/context.xml add this inside <Context> <Resource name=”jdbc/datasourcename” auth=”Container” type=”javax.sql.DataSource” maxActive=”100″ maxIdle=”30″ maxWait=”1000″ username=”dbuser” password=”dbpwd” driverClassName=”com.mysql.jdbc.Driver” url=”jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/exodus”/> Now restart tomcat Inside you web.xml add this before </web-app>: <resource-ref> <description>My DB Connection</description> <res-ref-name>jdbc/datasourcename</res-ref-name> <res-type>javax.sql.DataSource</res-type> <res-auth>Container</res-auth> </resource-ref> Java code to connect: Context