Category: Database
SQL Server not starting at startup and even not starts manually
In one case we noticed that SQL Server (SQL Server 2014) service was scheduled to start Automatically on system boot but still it was not starting up. It did not even start when we manually tried to start the service.
Mysql | How to drop table having dot (.) in the table name in MySQL
We had a table in our database having dot in the table name as below: Table name – kpc.product_categories On trying to delete kpc.product_categories using below command: drop table kpc.product_categories It used to give error that no such table exists.
Heroku | How to delete prior database backups
Following are the steps to delete the Postgres database backup: 1. Login into heroku. 2. Click on the database>PG Backups. Here you can see all the PG backups list. 3. . For deleting the database, first of all you have
Zoho CRM | Reduce API call consumption
This is a simple idea to reduce API calls consumption when you pull data from Zoho CRM into an integrated piece of code (like server side code in PHP or Java that connects to Zoho CRM to retrieve records). In
Heroku – Find out database backup retained limit
To see the database backup retained limit see the steps followed below: 1. Login into heroku. 2.Now click the database you are using. As you can see in the below screenshot database name is Heroku Postgres – Charcoal and it
Error Code: 3. Error writing file ‘/tmp/MYMI5iqH’ (Errcode: 28)
Problem Recently in a website we were developing in Codeigniter PHP Framework, some of the urls stopped working and started throwing 500 internal server error. On investigation we found a MySQL query which was causing the problem .Query is simple
Importance of Website for Business – Part 3
In previous 2 posts in this series we covered benefits of having a website for your business and difference between Responsive and Non-Responsive website. We also shared some stats on how small business presence on Internet is going up. In
Connection Pool with Tomcat6 and Mysql
Inside $tomcat_home/conf/context.xml add this inside <Context> <Resource name=”jdbc/datasourcename” auth=”Container” type=”javax.sql.DataSource” maxActive=”100″ maxIdle=”30″ maxWait=”1000″ username=”dbuser” password=”dbpwd” driverClassName=”com.mysql.jdbc.Driver” url=”jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/exodus”/> Now restart tomcat Inside you web.xml add this before </web-app>: <resource-ref> <description>My DB Connection</description> <res-ref-name>jdbc/datasourcename</res-ref-name> <res-type>javax.sql.DataSource</res-type> <res-auth>Container</res-auth> </resource-ref> Java code to connect: Context
ORA-28001: the password has expired
That’s the error you get for oracle user for whom password is expired. One Solution – Connect using sqlplus to set new password, you can even use the same password you had earlier. $ sqlplus SQL*Plus: Release Production on