National Producer Number or NPN is a type of identifier assigned to individuals or businesses. Nowadays, It has taken place of the license number. NPN is issued or assigned specially to “insurance-related organizations or activities” to keep the track of individuals and businesses on a national basis.
It is recorded in National Insurance Producer Registry (NIPR) which maintains a Producer Database, which contains important information related to insurance agencies or brokers. They are identified through NPN or license.
NPN also helps in identifying whether the agents, brokers, or insurance organizations are licensed to do the business. It Identifies theft and other crimes that can affect their revenue and goodwill. In order to protect themselves from different circumstances or situations, they obtain National Producer Number.
Who assigns the National Producer Number?
It is assigned by the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAICs)
NAIC is a non-governmental organization that sets standards and regulatory, support organization which is created and governed by the chief insurance regulators from 50 states, the District of Columbia, and five U.S. territories. It also maintains an online fraud management system.
Requirements for NPN.
- The concerned person should have an active state license.
- You must have a valid Line Of Authority (health-related or insurance-related) consented by the state to get a National Producer Number.
- The Line Of Authority must be active. Inactive or Closed Line of Authority will not get NPN.
How to Get NPN
- To get National Producer Number, the user should access the NIPR official website, and then click on “Look at my National Producer Number”.
- On click, there will be several options that need to be filled by the user. If the data is valid, then the information will be generated.