Tag: Totara
Mustache Templates in Totara
To write blocks of HTML directly in php/javascript by concatenating strings, a template is an alternative. Totara provides the templating language that is called Mustache. This is a new way to render the output. But, the output of using templates
CSV file upload in Moodle/Totara
Step 1: Firstly, create a form using forms API. Create a class that will extend the “moodleform” class defined in “../lib/formslib.php”. Then override the definition() function of this class to include your form elements. Step 2: To browse the CSV
How to change the image in the logo using a custom theme in Totara?
Let us suppose, in Totara we have a custom theme named “test”. Now, we will discuss how will we display a custom logo on our website. There are three steps to change your site logo: Firstly, you will have to
How can you clear Totara Theme Cache by following different ways?
Totara Theme As we know, the theme is the main part of Totara. We can customize the totara-site look (colors, fonts, Icons, etc.) by using the theme features. When you make any changes in any theme, you will have noticed
Autocomplete Form Element in Totara/Moodle
Introduction The autocomplete element is an advanced form element that is compatible with the standard “Select” form element. When you have large datasets or options, in that case, to use a select list is more difficult. Because, it’s a LONG
Types of Plugins in Moodle and Totara: When to Create Which One
What are Moodle and Totara? Moodle is a modular system. Totara extends the core structure of Moodle. The LMS is meant to handle the core necessities expected of a high-end company LMS. This means that Moodle and Totara both were
How to create new plugin type in Moodle/Totara?
Introduction plugin types in Moodle/Totara As we know, Moodle/Totara has multiple plugin types. To extend core functionality, different ways are used to create each plugin type. Some of the plugin types are: mod blocks theme availability report auth local etc.
Disabling Form Elements in Moodle/Totara
Here we will discuss how to disable form elements based on conditions in moodle/totara. We are creating a form in moodle/totara by extending “moodleform” class and overriding the definition() method to including the form elements. For example: If you want
Custom Javascript in Moodle/Totara, Javascript & AMD Modules
How can we add custom Javascript in Moodle/Totara, Javascript & AMD modules? A Javascript module is a collection of Javascript code. It enhances the reusability of this code. As a result, it is called/used from alternative javascript files. These modules