Introduction to Heroku

| By Webner

Heroku is an all-in-one cloud based platform which allows software developers to develop and host applications over Heroku cloud. The company was setup in June 2007 which initially supported Ruby programming language. Later on, support for other programming languages such

Transition Delay Property in CSS and Javascript

| By Webner

What is Transition Delay? Transition delay specifies the amount of time for the change to take place in css properties of DOM elements. Transition Delay value is defined in seconds (s) or milliseconds(ms). How to implement Transition Delay in CSS?

Localhost WordPress site asking for FTP credentials on installing new plugin

| By Webner

In one of the WordPress projects we are working on, whenever we tried to install a new plugin in locally installed WordPress, it asked for FTP credentials: When we tried to install a new theme then also it asked for

What is in Bootstrap apart from grid system? Why it has a Javascript file also?

| By Webner

Bootstrap has lots of other things apart from grid system such as: 1. Glyphicons: Bootstrap has inbuilt icons which we can use by icon’s class name. For Example: “glyphicon-search” will create search icon without using any external image. So Bootstrap has

CakePHP bake: SQLSTATE[42S02]: Base table or view not found

| By Webner

While running cake bake command for cakephp 3.0 we got the following error: SQLSTATE[42S02]: Base table or view not found: 1146 Table ‘tablename .columnname’ doesn’t exist The culprit was a column with name test_id in one of the tables. As

Font family looks regular in Ubuntu and Windows but looks bold in Mac

| By Webner

In one of our web development projects, we used font family named Calibri for breadcrumbs. This font worked fine on Ubuntu and Windows but on each browser of Mac fonts appeared bold. We wrote the following code for making the

CakePHP | Redirect from http to https URL

| By Webner

If you want to redirect from http to https in CakePHP, generally redirect method code is like this: $this­->redirect(array(“controller” => “myController”,”action” =>t; “myAction”)); But if your site is running on http protocol it will redirect to the url with http