Problem :
Error comes when trying to use https with url on xampp server, error “SSL certificate problem: unable to get local issuer certificate”.
you need to follow below mentioned steps:
1. Stop apache service from xampp control panel.
2. Either generate a new self signed certificate or you can locate and copy the cacert.pem in xampp (sub)-directory and paste it in “C:\xampp\php\”.
3. Then open and edit C:\xampp\php\php.ini and paste the below content in that file:
[curl] curl.cainfo=”C:\xampp\php\cacert.pem”4. Restart the apache service from xampp control panel.
5. Now you can access your xampp url using https protocol.
Other related problem : When you want to access your url remotely or over network then you have to follow the below steps :
1. Stop apache service from xampp control panel.
2. Then open and edit httpd.conf file from xampp control panel and locate line Listen 80 and replace the line with Listen .
3. Restart the apache service from xampp control panel.
4. Now you can access your xampp url using IP address.