Error : Missing CSRF token cookie
Failed to load resource : the server responded with a status of 403 (Forbidden) on “SAFARI”
Solution :
This error occured when I opened a website in safari browser. This error shows because new version of safari does not allow to store third-party cookies by default. We can enable this feature by following these steps :
1. With Safari open as the active application, open the “Safari” menu and select “Preferences”
2. Click on the “Privacy” tab
3. Select the ‘third party and advertisers’ radio box alongside the “Block Cookies” option, or choose one of the other two options :
Choosing the “Always” option blocks all cookies, not just third party and ad cookies.
Choosing “Never” is the old default option, which allows all cookies from all sources.
You may find this setting to be enabled by default on some machines. If you want to disable the feature simply check the radio box for “Never” to allow all cookies instead.