1. Install plugin in Eclipse IDE :
Open Eclipse and navigate to Help->Install new Software.
Enter http://eclipse-plugin.herokuapp.com/install for the “Location” and click “Ok”.
Open Window->Preferences.
Select Heroku.
Enter Heroku username in Email field.
Enter your password in Password field.
Click Login. If your login was successful, your Heroku API key would be populated in the API Key field.
2. Import heroku app :
Open File->Import and expand the Heroku section Import App.
Select Existing Heroku Application and click on Next.
Select the App that you want to import and click Next.
Click Finish.
3. Edit code and commit changes :
Right click on the project, and go to Team->Commit. Enter a commit message based on the changes you made. Ensure that any new files that you added to the project are selected.
Click Commit.
Right click the Project then Team->Push to Upstream.
For more details visit this link : http://eclipse-plugin.herokuapp.com/