Hadoop | Creating and running Mapreduce Programs in Eclipse and from Command line

| By Webner

We can create and run the java Mapreduce programs in Eclipse as well as from command line. Using Eclipse – For Eclipse first we have to install the plugin for hadoop mapreduce which inherits the libraries required to implement the

WordPress | Dynamically generating ADF XML format of the form submission

| By Webner

ADF XML FORMAT ADF XML format stands for Auto-lead Data Format XML that is an automotive retailing industry standard data delivery format for import and export of automotive customer leads. This format is used as a way to format the

PHP | core.php and some important settings

| By Webner

In CakePHP application, core.php is configuration file and is located at app/Config/core.php. This file contains various variable definitions and constant definitions that alter the behavior of the application. The description of some important variables and their effect on the application

Moodle | This page should automatically redirect

| By Webner

In my plugin code I was trying to redirect from one page to another page using redirect as follows: redirect(“success.php?cd=”.$id); Redirecting to the other page was working but during redirection an intermediate page was being displayed like this: On click