Category: Zoho
Java | Deep cloning object containing list of other objects
Suppose you have a class like this: public class Student { private String name; private int rollNumber; private int grade; private List subjects; } This is the Subject class public class Subject { private String sName; } You have an
Hadoop | Creating and running Mapreduce Programs in Eclipse and from Command line
We can create and run the java Mapreduce programs in Eclipse as well as from command line. Using Eclipse – For Eclipse first we have to install the plugin for hadoop mapreduce which inherits the libraries required to implement the
Java | static blocks
Static Blocks: Static block is used to initialize the static data members. It is executed before main method and constructor at the time of classloading. A class can have any number of static initialization blocks and they can appear anywhere
Java | Variables in Java Interfaces
Interface: In Java we have a concept called interfaces.A Java interface is same like a class, except a Java interface cannot contain an implementation of the methods, we have only signature of the method.It has static constants data member. Can
Lambda Expression in Java 8
A lambda expression is a new feature that has been added to Java 8. It is a function declared inside a method to which we can pass arguments as well as fetch lambda expressions in the form of return value
WordPress | Dynamically generating ADF XML format of the form submission
ADF XML FORMAT ADF XML format stands for Auto-lead Data Format XML that is an automotive retailing industry standard data delivery format for import and export of automotive customer leads. This format is used as a way to format the
Salesforce | SOQL OFFSET clause is not supported in this organization
In Salesforce, we can limit the records returned by the soql query using LIMIT and OFFSET clauses. In our case where we tried to fetch salesforce Product records by using “Salesforce Rest API” using the following query: $query = “Select
PHP | core.php and some important settings
In CakePHP application, core.php is configuration file and is located at app/Config/core.php. This file contains various variable definitions and constant definitions that alter the behavior of the application. The description of some important variables and their effect on the application
Moodle | This page should automatically redirect
In my plugin code I was trying to redirect from one page to another page using redirect as follows: redirect(“success.php?cd=”.$id); Redirecting to the other page was working but during redirection an intermediate page was being displayed like this: On click