Category: Zoho
How to show slanted text and images using CSS?
Slanted text and Images in CSS for different browser is given by transform property in CSS. We need to specify the angle by which to slant the image or text. Angle can be negative or positive. Positive angle inclines the
Salesforce | Trap incoming email and extract email content with attachments in salesforce
Problem: Trap incoming email and extract email content with attachments in Salesforce Solution: Salesforce provides us a mechanism to trap incoming emails on a specific email id and extra email contents including attachments out of it. To achieve this we
PHP | Load Data Infile to insert csv data into Mysql with PHP
Problem: How to insert csv data into mysql table with mysql query in php. What problems usually you face with this and how to resolve them. Description: I have csv file with thousands of records. I want to insert these
Moodle/Totara | Creating a new Activity Plugin
Introduction: In Moodle/Totara we can add a different type of activities to a course by selecting from the list of standard activities available. As shown in the the list below: But there might be some cases in which we need
CSS | Animate elements in background screen
We can move elements on background screen using CSS properties. Below @keyframes rule specifies the animation code and “movement” gives a name to the animation: @keyframes movement { 0 % { background – position: 0 px 0 px, 0 px
Java | difference among return, continue, break and System.exit in Java
Question: What is the difference between return, continue, break and System.exit statements in Java? Answer: The differences among these 4 statements are described here:
Selenium | Data Driven Framework to read csv data
During testing, I had a test case to add multiple employees automatically with selenium script so I have implemented Data Driven Framework. Using this we have to read the data from the CSV and register all the users in the
Eclipse SVN | Working Copy XXXX Locked during commit
When you do svn update or commit in Eclipse you may face this problem- “working copy xxxxx locked” Solution: Sometimes the problem can be solved with “project cleanup” or “move the project to some other location without .project and .svn
Enum in Java
What is Enum/Enumeration? Enum/Enumeration is a data type in Java which is used to store a fixed set of constant values. For example, number of days in a week or a set of arithmetic operators (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division)