Dynamically applying specific Layout to a record on VF page in Salesforce

| By Webner

Dynamically applying specific Layout to a record on VF page in Salesforce You may need a specific layout to show in a tab for a particular record (like account settings). For this, we can fetch ‘Metadata’ field from Field Definition

Responsive DevExtreme Grid Toolbar

| By Webner

Introduction – Responsive DevExtreme Grid Toolbar DevExtreme is a powerful web development framework with a vast array of data presenting and formatting capabilities. It is developed by DevExpress to make responsive and platform independent application. DevExtreme makes the web development

Salesforce SOAP and Bulk API Integration in PHP

| By Webner

Implementing Salesforce SOAP and Bulk API Integration in PHP Salesforce SOAP API: Salesforce SOAP API is a coding method to use our Org’s information with the help of inbuilt functions and SOQL query. With the help of these function, we

Class ‘App\Controller\Aws\S3\S3Client’ not found error in CakePHP 3.*

| By Webner

How to resolve “Class ‘App\Controller\Aws\S3\S3Client’ not found” error in CakePHP 3.* Problem: Class ‘App\Controller\Aws\S3\S3Client’ not found error occurs when we are trying to create S3Client class object with given code (code copied from github): $s3 = new Aws\S3\S3Client ( [