Category: Java Frameworks
Jquery : Filter array by applying AND & OR logic on checkboxes
In one of our projects we have multiple groups of checkboxes and corresponding divs with id as checkbox label. Now we want our checkboxes to perform AND and OR logic . For Example: <html> <div id=”_Java_less than 1500_Basic_Dennis Ritchie” class=”6″
Salesforce: Call Apex Class on Click of Custom Button
1. Create apex class that you want to call (it should be declared global): Global class Test { Webservice static void testMethod() { //do something. } } Note: Webservice method must be static: Global class Test { Webservice static void
Java Spring | Verifying against WhiteList IP Addresses (spring 4.0.4)
While designing RESTful web services in a Spring-based web application, we may have a requirement that some web services should be allowed to run only from specific IP addresses. Spring framework provides a simple procedure to verify if the incoming
What is Ajax? How to send the request using different Jquery methods?
What is Ajax? How to send the request using different Jquery methods? Ajax: Ajax stands for Asynchronous JavaScript and XML. Ajax is a technique for creating fast and dynamic web pages. Ajax allows web pages to be updated asynchronously by
An example of Ajax to display dyanamic images and text on webpage
Whenever the situation occurs to rerender the page contents without reloading the whole page, we use ajax in it. By using ajax we get the response data back in the success function which we will show on the screen. Let’s
Java | Achieving Immutability using Final keyword
Problem: What is the difference between using the final keyword with a primitive versus an object? What is immutability and can final assure that? Final: Final is a keyword in java which is used to make variable, methods, classes immutable.
How to use Random Emails while testing Registration forms
While testing Registration form, the best way is to use automation script rather than manual testing which is time consuming. Automated script helps to get better results in shorter time. Like we can generate random users with the script and
Correct way to post a form in cakephp 2.* with client side validation in JavaScript
If we follow cakephp rules to create a form then we can use cakephp inbuilt functionality like we don’t need to assign labels to form fields. Cakephp automatically creates a label for each form field also in case of update/insert
Overview of DevExtreme components
DevExtreme is a commercial application framework created by DevExpress. DevExtreme framework uses html5 and javascript code and targets today’s most popular smartphones and tablet devices. Devextreme supports both mobile application and web application. In devextreme there are three flavors of