Database Connectivity with Selenium Webdriver

| By Webner

How to connect to Mysql in Selenium script? Step 1: Import Mysql connector (JDBC driver): Download connector from: Find-ur-pal Download this jar file and import in Eclipse : MySQL-connector-java-5.1.18-bin.jar Follow these steps in Eclipse: Add the downloaded Jar to your

PHP | Deleting files from local machine (unlink(): No such file or directory)

| By Webner

Assume following is the path on your system in which you want to delete some files through code (unlink function): C:\wamp\www Now if we use the same address in source variable (“C:\wamp\www”), it gives the following error: unlink(): No such

HTML | Browser Notifications

| By Webner

Below is the sample code to get permission of user to display browser notifications in case he approves. Save the following code in simple HTML file: <script> document.addEventListener(‘DOMContentLoaded’, function () { if (Notification.permission !== “granted”) { Notification.requestPermission(); } }); function

JavaScript/HTML | Get Id of inner child element

| By Webner

Suppose from html code below we want to get id of each <a> element inside home_menu. <ul id=”home_menu” class=”appendmenu” style=”float: left”> <li> <span class=”arrow sep”>►</span> <a id=”breadcrumb_mainc3″ style=”cursor:pointer;color:#087bb1;”>Programming Courses</a> </li> <li> <span class=”arrow sep”>►</span> <a id=”breadcrumb_sc34″ style=”cursor:pointer;color:#087bb1;”>Javascript </a> </li> <li>

Netsuite | Authentication/Login to Netsuite sandbox account through java code using Netsuite WSDL

| By Webner

Authentication/Login to Netsuite sandbox account through java code using Netsuite WSDL In order to login to your sandbox Netsuite sandbox account via code, you need to have below files handy: 1. Netsuite sandbox WSDL: The latest version of wsdl can

Mysql Workbench | How to copy Remote database into your local machine

| By Webner

1.  Select Database: Schema Transfer Wizard from the Mysql workbench menu bar. You will see schema transfer wizard on your screen as below: Click on Start the Wizard option. 2.  Connection Selection: Now select your source and destination location to copy database: