Salesforce | document.getElementById(‘id’).value not working for apex:outputtext

| By Webner

If you have an apex:outputtext and you try to get its value in Javascript using document.getElementById(‘id of outputtext’).value(), that won’t work. The reason is apex:outputtext is translated to HTML SPAN element. So <apex:outputtext value=”Amount” id=”amntId”/> becomes <span id=”amtId”>Amount</span> So to

PHP | better way to include a file

| By Webner

Have a look at this folder structure: Test Folder1 Abc.php Folder2 Qwerty.php Now in Abc.php file, try to include Qwerty.php using the following code: Abc.php include(‘../Folder2/Qwerty.php’) It will give this error: Fatal error: Failed opening required ‘../Folder2/Qwerty.php’ (include_path=’.:/usr/local/lib/php’) in /Test/Folder1/Abc.php

PHP | How to install CakePHP 3.0

| By Webner

These are the steps to install CakePHP 3.0 on Ubuntu machine: Make sure you have PHP 5.5.9 (CLI) or higher installed. Check php version on your system using this command: php -v Run the following commands: 1. Download the composer

Get Salesforce SObject name through Salesforce Record Id

| By Webner

Description: We have Salesforce recordId but need to identify what is the type of Subject corresponding to this record id. Solution: We can get Sobject name from recordId with getSobjectType() function, sample code below: Apex Code: public void echoSObjectName(String RecID)

Introduction to Heroku

| By Webner

Heroku is an all-in-one cloud based platform which allows software developers to develop and host applications over Heroku cloud. The company was setup in June 2007 which initially supported Ruby programming language. Later on, support for other programming languages such