Tag: Laravel
Firebase Cloud Messaging With Laravel 6
Introduction to Firebase Cloud Earlier known as Google Cloud Messaging and now called Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) is a messaging solution for cross-platform provided by Google itself. This service lets you reliably deliver messages or notifications at no cost. One
Laravel 5.4 Logs And Errors
Introduction Logfiles: Logs are files that keep a registry or records of events, processes, messages that occur in the operating system or any software that runs. Laravel provides the robust logging services that allow the user to log messages to
Firebase Integration With Laravel 6.x (Ubuntu 18.04)
Below are the steps to integrate Firebase with Laravel 6.x Step 1 To integrate Firebase with Laravel we first need a Laravel project. Create a new Laravel project using the given composer command. composer create-project –prefer-dist laravel/laravel firebase Step 2
Compress Videos using FFmpeg Laravel & shell_exec method
Introduction First of all, install FFmpeg in your composer. Perform the steps below to install it on Ubuntu: composer require pbmedia/laravel-FFmpeg Start by updating the packages list: $ sudo apt update – Next, install FFmpeg by typing the following command:
Laravel URL QR Code Generator
Why the QR Code? A QR code can make you download apps, redirect to a particular URL, access wireless networks like WiFi and much more. They can also lead one to perform quick actions without even putting any effort. Many
Upgrade Mongodb Extension Version – Laravel Project
Issue while upgrading Mongodb extension version: I have upgraded laravel version from 5.7 to laravel version 6.5. Now, I’m getting mongodb extension version error while updating composer. Error given below: ERROR: jenssegers/mongodb v3.6.0 requires mongodb/mongodb ^1.4 -> satisfiable by mongodb/mongodb[1.4.0,
How to pass dynamic data to all views in Laravel
ISSUE: Sometimes there is a requirement, in which we need to show some dynamic data in the sidebar of every view. SOLUTIONS: The above scenario can be achieved using various techniques in Laravel, which are listed below – We can
Image Compression in Laravel
Steps to follow: Install the Intervention image package first in your project composer require intervention/image If you want to check official documentation of intervention image you can check it from here- http://image.intervention.io/getting_started/installation Inside the config/app.php- In providers, add:- Intervention\Image\ImageServiceProvider::class, In
Laravel: Prevent the browser back button to access pages after logout
Introduction When we create a web project in laravel, even after logging out of the project, clicking on the browser back button usually takes us back to the previous page we opened when we were logged in. This is a