Moodle | How to set a course as completed

| By Webner

Following are the steps to complete a course in moodle by admin :

1. Open the course that you want to complete.

2. To the left side there will be a link of “Edit Settings”. In this link there will be an option of “Completion Tracking”. Expand the “Completion Tracking” and enable the completion tracking by selecting “Yes” from the drop down.

3. After enabling the completion tracking, another link “Course Completion” will be displayed to the left side below the “Edit Settings” link. If completion tracking option is not be enabled then “Course Completion” link will not be displayed and admin will not be able to set the course as completed.

4. Another thing is if “Completion Tracking” will be enabled then course activities will be displayed otherwise course activities will not be displayed.

5. In the “Course Completion” link there are many options and after settings these options admin can set the course as completed.

Options are :

A. General.
B. Condition: Activity Completion.
C. Condition: Completion of Other Courses.
D. Condition: Date.
E. Condition: Enrollment Duration.
F. Condition: Course Grade.
G. Condition: Manual Self Cpmpletion.
H. Condition: Manual Completion By Others.

A. General : Expand the link of General and there will be a drop down of Completion Requirements. There will be two options in the drop down “Course is complete when ALL conditions are met” and “Course is complete when ANY of the conditions are met”. If admin selects the first option “Course is complete when ALL conditions are met” then admin has to meet ALL the conditions like “Condition: Date”, “Condition: Activity Completion” etc. But if admin selects the second option “Course is complete when ANY of the conditions are met” then admin has to meet any one condition from all the conditions.


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