Javascript VS Typescript

| By Jarmanjit Singh

JavaScript and TypeScript are closely related, with TypeScript being a superset of JavaScript, which means any valid JavaScript code is also valid TypeScript code. TypeScript adds static typing and other features to improve the development experience. Here are some ways in which TypeScript is considered advantageous over JavaScript:

1. Static Typing:

  • JavaScript: Dynamically typed, which means variable types are determined at runtime. This can lead to unexpected behavior and bugs.
  • TypeScript: Statically typed, allowing developers to declare types for variables,function parameters, and return types. This helps catch type-related errors during development, leading to more robust code.

2. Tooling and IDE Support:

  • JavaScript: Limited tooling for catching errors at compile-time. IDEs provide less assistance due to the dynamic nature of the language.
  • TypeScript: Offers advanced tooling support, including intelligent code completion, refactoring tools, and improved IntelliSense. This results in better developer productivity and code quality.

3. Code Maintainability:

  • JavaScript: Dynamic typing can make it challenging to maintain and refactor code, especially in large projects.
  • TypeScript: Static typing and clear type annotations improve code readability and maintainability. It makes it easier for developers to understand the structure of the code and reduces the likelihood of introducing certain types of bugs.

4. Early Error Detection:

  • JavaScript: Errors related to incorrect types may only become apparent at runtime, making debugging more challenging.
  • TypeScript: Detects type-related errors during development, providing early feedback and reducing the chance of runtime errors.

5. Refactoring Support:

  • JavaScript: Refactoring can be error-prone, and developers may need to manually update variable names and types across the codebase.
  • TypeScript: Renaming and refactoring tools are more powerful, as they are aware of the types in the codebase, reducing the likelihood of introducing bugs during refactoring.

let’s consider a simple example to illustrate the difference between JavaScript and TypeScript. We’ll create a function that adds two numbers:


// JavaScript
function addNumbers(a, b) {
return a + b;

console.log(addNumbers(5, 10)); // Output: 15
console.log(addNumbers(‘5′, ’10’)); // Output: ‘510’ (concatenation instead of addition)


// TypeScript
function addNumbers(a: number, b: number): number {
return a + b;

console.log(addNumbers(5, 10)); // Output: 15
// The following line will result in a TypeScript compilation error
// because TypeScript checks types at compile-time.
// console.log(addNumbers(‘5′, ’10’));

It’s important to note that while TypeScript offers these advantages, the choice between TypeScript and JavaScript depends on the specific project requirements. Some projects, especially smaller ones or those with rapid prototyping needs, may find JavaScript more suitable, while larger projects or those requiring a higher degree of safety and maintainability may benefit from TypeScript

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