Problem : Unable to get content of HTML while converting HTML page to PDF.
Solution : You can use the javascript if you want to get content of HTML while converting it into PDF :
<HTML> <head> <script type="text/javascript"> function submitForPDF() { document.getElementById("mybutton").style.visibility="hidden"; document.getElementById("hiddenbody").value = "<HTML><head></head><body>"+document.getElementById("htmbody").innerHTML+"</body></HTML>"; alert(document.getElementById("hiddenbody").value); document.f1.submit(); alert("submitted"); } </script> </head>
<?php include 'mPDF60/mPDF.php'; ob_start(); // start output buffering include 'newfile.php'; $content = $_POST['HTMLforPDF'];//ob_get_clean(); // get content of the buffer and clean the buffer $mPDF = new mPDF(); $mPDF->SetDisplayMode('fullpage'); $mPDF->WriteHTML($content); $mPDF->Output(); ?>