While we continue to develop multi-tenant cloud based systems based on leading LMS software like (Moodle, Totara, Blackboard to name a few) for our clients, we have started to launch our own mobile apps related to the same. First such app recently launched by us on Android Playstore and Apple App store is LMS Report v1.0. As the name says, this app gives summary and statistics of your Moodle and Totara records to you (as an admin) on a single screen. App is absolutely free.
Below are some of the statistics that LMS report 1.0 displays for the Moodle/Totara site you connect to the app (only Admin accounts can view this information):
1. Total No. of Courses
2. Total No. of Students
3. Total No. of Enrollments
4. Max enrolled course overall
5. Min enrolled course overall
6. Min enrolled course in last 10 days
You can also select a date range to see following information:
1. Date Range Selected – Start date to End date
2. No. of new Students
3. New Enrollments
4. Unique Courses Enrolled
5. Max Enrolled Course and Enrollment count
6. Min Enrolled Course and Enrollment count
How will this be useful for admins?
With this application, admins can easily see the most popular courses, busiest enrollment days, highest registration days etc from their mobile phones anywhere and anytime.
For this app to work, admins need LMS report plugin installed in their Moodle or Totara site
Plugin can be downloaded from following URL:
Click Here
Upcoming v2.0
The next version of this app will offer more detailed reports (drill down). If you face any problem or to share your experience in using the app
Webner Solutions is a Software Development company focused on developing CRM apps (Salesforce, Zoho), LMS Apps (Moodle/Totara), Websites and Mobile apps. If you need LMS app development or any other software development assistance please contact us at lms@webners.com
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