Get base64 String From File URL

| By Webner

While working on the react native app, sometimes we need to get the base64 string from the file(image/video) URL. There are many packages available that convert a URL to base64 but they are not producing expected results. Finally, I have tried the “rn-fetch-blob” library and I was able to get the expected results.

The rn-fetch-blob library provides many file system and network functions that make file access and transfer of file data easier and more efficient for React Native developers.

npm install --save rn-fetch-blob
For ios: if using CocoaPods, add the below text to your Podfile
pod 'rn-fetch-blob',
:path => '../node_modules/rn-fetch-blob'

If you are using the 0.29.2+ version of react-native then run the below command
react-native link rn-fetch-blob
As for projects < 0.29 you need “rnpm” to link native packages
rnpm link


Add the following two lines at the top of your file:
import RNFetchBlob from "rn-fetch-blob";
const fs = RNFetchBlob.fs;

And add the below code into your function where you want to convert the file from URL to base64 string.
let imagePath = "*TV0dKZKjMjp1J7b9oW58Rg.jpeg";
// set the image/video path here
fileCache: true
}).fetch("GET", imagePath) // the file is now downloaded at local storage
.then(resp => {
imagePath = resp.path(); // to get the file path
return resp.readFile("base64"); // to get the base64 string
.then(base64 => {
// here base64 encoded file data is returned
this.setState({base64Data: base64});
return fs.unlink(imagePath); // to remove the file from local storage

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